In the fast-paced world of British Supersport racing, the Binch Racing R6 brought to you by Carl Cox Motorsport & Uggly&Co emerged for the first time in 2023. This bike, piloted by the talented Damon Rees #92, etched its mark on the track, but sadly, the story takes a somber turn.

Damon Rees, a fierce competitor and beloved member of our crew, raced the Carl Cox R6 with unparalleled skill and sportsmanship. Tragically, shortly after the Knockhill BSB, Damon Rees passed away due to an underlying medical condition, leaving a void that will be deeply felt within our community. Damon was not just a racer; he was an amazing person who left an indelible mark on everyone he encountered.

As the racing community mourned the loss of Damon Rees, Sam Munro stepped into the saddle, continuing the legacy of the Carl Cox R6. Facing challenges and unfortunate incidents, Sam Munro showcased incredible resilience and skill throughout the rest of the season. One standout performance included a remarkable charge through the pack in wet conditions at the beginning of a race—a testament to Sam's determination and talent.

Yet, the story behind the Carl Cox R6 goes beyond the racetrack. Uggly&Co clothing, known for its commitment to giving back to the racing community, collaborated with the legendary DJ Carl Cox to support racing endeavours. This bike represents the convergence of two worlds—clothing label and DJ—both fuelled by a shared passion for racing and a dedication to supporting teams, racers, and championships worldwide.

Carl Cox, a wild enthusiast for racing, mirrors the ethos of Uggly&Co, always ready to extend a helping hand at any race level or discipline. The Carl Cox R6 encapsulates the spirit of collaboration and community support that defines the racing world—a fusion of music, fashion, and racing coming together to create something truly extraordinary.

While the road may have taken unexpected turns, and we may have faced heartache, the legacy of the Yamaha R6 lives on. It stands not just as a testament to speed and performance but as a symbol of the enduring bonds that connect us all in the world of racing. 

January 23, 2024

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